
Elevate Your Potential
with Expert Coaching


"Meet. Learn. Share. Expert Coaching."

If you’re seeking to break free from limitations and transform your reality into the life you’ve always envisioned, it’s time to begin your journey with Finding the Force.

Courtni’s exceptional approach to coaching, rooted in the power of Finding the Force, is transformative, helping women harness their strengths and embark on the journey into unlimited possibility.

Coaching for Connection:

Clarity Toolkit: Journey to Diamond Island – Deluxe Offer

This comprehensive coaching package includes a range of tools and resources to help you find your inner clarity and connection. It consists of a 4-week online program, DIY sessions, group meetings, one-on-one sessions, and more. 

Coaching for Connection is designed to empower you on your journey to focus, clarity, and deep meaning.

Coaching for Change:

Dragonfly Toolkit: Private 1-1 – VIP Offer

For a more personalized coaching experience, the Dragonfly Toolkit offers private sessions, shamanic drum sessions, soul retrieval, high-level tarot card readings, workbooks, and more. This VIP offer is for those who seek a deeper transformation and connection.

With Courtni’s guidance, you can unlock your true potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Success Stories

Read inspiring tales of individuals, entrepreneurs, and leaders who have found profound meaning and focus through our system.